Terma & Syarat

Delivery and Collection Fee
· Distance below 5 KM (Free of Charge), Distance above 5 KM (RM10 + RM1/KM).
· We will inform you if you have to pay any additional charge for delivery and collection.
· Payment can be made during car collection.

Minimum Rental
· Minimum rental is one day (24 hours). Extension above 8 hours consider full day rate.

· Excess protection does not apply for damage as a result of your illegal, negligence, careless actions, tyre punctures, bust tyre, fuel errors, lack of electricity because of forgotten turned off electrical devices, loss or damage to the vehicle accessories and damages of windows, mirror and undercarriage.
· You are required to make police report within 24 hours from the time of an accident or from the time you’ve found out the theft or loss and get police report in writing.

· You are required to have a cash security deposit for Group A (RM200), Group B (RM300) Group C (RM500) and Group D (RM1,000). You can pay the security deposit during car collection.
· The security deposit will be refund upon returning the vehicles if no damage or summons occur during the rental period.


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